Al Khums 27°C
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The company’s board of directors meeting in the capital, Tripoli

At the company’s office in the city of Tripoli, a meeting of the company’s Board of Directors was held on Thursday, May 23, in the presence of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Mustafa Fahil, the members of the Board of Directors, the Chairman and members of the Control Board, and in the presence of Mr. Faraj Al-Shatshati and the CEO of the company, Mr. Muhammad Al-Hamali. Many topics were discussed. Related to production and workflow in the company’s factories.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors confirmed the disbursement of a gift on the occasion of Eid Al-Adha, worth one thousand seven hundred and fifty dinars, to all employees of the company.

Mr. President concluded the meeting by congratulating all the company’s employees, the Libyan people, and the entire Islamic nation on the occasion of the approaching Eid Al-Adha, may Allah bring it back to us with goodness and blessings.