Al Khums 26°C
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Implemented Projects

Most important projects implemented from 2019 to 2023

Al-Margeb Factory

1- Main dust filter project for kiln and cement mill components.

2- Clinker warehouse cladding project.

3- A project to implement and develop the furnace entrance.

4- A project to change the furnace section.

5- A project to study the replacement and development of the sorting system for cement mills.

6- Third wheel maintenance project.

Souk Al-Khamis Complex

1. Medium voltage station replacement and development project.
2. Replacing and developing the automatic control system for cement mills.
3. Limestone dredging installation project in the complex.
4. Laboratory maintenance and development project.
5. Restaurant maintenance project.

Lebda Cement Factory

1. Main dust filters and cement mills project.

2. Project of dismantling and installing gas crossings from the raw materials mill.

Zliten Cement Factory

All Factories

Kiln alignmemt and analysis for Kilns