Total Quality
The Total Quality Office is a modern department established by Al-Ahlia Cement Company in the early 2000s. It reports directly to the company's CEO and comprises members of the quality team from the factories and the general administration.
One of the primary responsibilities of the Total Quality Office is to oversee the implementation of the total quality management system throughout the company and its affiliated factories. It also develops appropriate plans to continually enhance this system, leading to improved performance and cost reduction.
If we want to define quality as seen by its pioneers, it is:
- Complete customer satisfaction
- Conformity with requirements
- Accuracy of use as seen by the beneficiary
- An expected degree of consistency and reliability to suit the market and at a low cost

Since quality has its definition, it also has its objectives and benefits
Along with its definition, quality also has objectives and benefits. The main objective of implementing a comprehensive quality management program within the company is to enhance the quality of products and services while simultaneously reducing costs, time wastage, and effort. This will result in improved customer service and satisfaction.
Reduce cost
Reduce the time needed to complete tasks for the client
Achieving process quality
Certificate of Conformity
ISO 9001:2000

Certificate of Conformity
ISO 9001:2008
In 2009, the system was maintained by a committee formed by the senior management of the company from the total quality team, and the company subsequently obtained the standard ISO9001: 2008 from the same authority “AJA”

Certificate of Conformity
ISO 9001:2015
Al Ahlia Cement Company was certified as conforming to ISO 9001-2015 in 2022. Certificates were issued by RoyalCert.

Following this, the company implemented a quality policy with various objectives:
Full compliance
with the requirements of the quality management system in accordance with international standards (2015 - ISO 9001)
Spreading general awareness
among workers of the importance of quality and its applications, striving to develop and train workers, raise their efficiency, and provide them with a suitable work environment
Striving to achieve
customer satisfaction by focusing on their requirements, understanding them, and working to achieve them.
Full compliance
with the Libyan standard specifications 340/1997 for the company's products.
Continuous improvement
of the quality management system through data analysis and periodic review.
Protecting the environment
inside and outside the company and working to reduce emissions from its factories.
The company is fully aware
that employees are the most valuable asset it has, and therefore it guarantees training and awareness of all of them to carry out the work assigned to them.
To maintain and activate the quality management system, the company developed a plan through the Total Quality Office and conducts regular internal audits of its factories and departments. The internal audit process is supervised by the Total Quality Office, and auditors are qualified through specialized training courses.
The company also prioritizes environmental preservation by reducing emissions that could harm workers and agricultural lands surrounding the factories.
To this end, a specialized company was contracted to qualify the company for the International Environmental Conformity Certificate (ISO 14001), and the project is in its final stages.